Health insurance:Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst … What care?

Health insurance:Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst ... What care?

Health insurance:Whether it is because of a passing illness or to overcome a hardship, such as the death of a loved one, consulting a psychiatrist can be a way to get back on his feet and manage to regain control. But between a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist or even a psychoanalyst, how to know which specialist to turn to? What kind of support should we expect from Social Security and mutuals?

Different types of specialists

Psychologist and psychiatrist

The psychologist, unlike the psychiatrist, is not a doctor, so he can not prescribe medicines, treatments or even sick leave. If the psychiatrist treats serious behavioral and personality disorders, mental illnesses and depression, the psychologist provides verbal assistance in cases of stress, depression and discomfort. Its role is to help the patient to overcome a painful test, to manage his relational problems but also to take back his life in hand.

All psychologists must have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in psychology, a DESS or a DEA to practice, and are bound by professional secrecy. Psychiatrists follow the first four years of medicine before, for another four or five years, to specialize in psychiatry.


Since 2010 the training of psychotherapist is also regulated: anyone can no longer open his office and proclaim himself a psychotherapist. This requires training. As the psychologist this specialist provides assistance to the patient in case of personality disorders, behavior but also relational problems and ill-being.


Absolutely all other specialists such as psychoanalysts belong to unregulated professions, in other words, there is no need for a university degree to practice this profession. The psychoanalyst is simply the one who directs psychoanalytic cures according to the practice of Sigmund Freud. Psychiatrists and psychologists may have taken further training in psychoanalysis.

How to choose your specialist?

Rather than open the yellow pages and choose the psychologist or psychiatrist closest to home, it is better to seek advice from your general practitioner. If he knows his patient for a long time he will know how to advise him a psychiatrist who will correspond to him. Indeed, it is absolutely paramount that you feel confident with the latter. If at the end of two or three sessions you feel that the specialist does not correspond to you, that he does not understand you, it is that you may have to try to see someone else . For all that, do not give up too quickly: getting to open up and exposing yourself to a psychologist can take time.

Asking your generalist for advice will also avoid any unpleasant surprise: there are unfortunately many people who say they are “specialist in human relations” when they actually have no diploma.

Another solution may be to turn to the shrink of a friend or relative. However, it is possible that this will put the specialist in a difficult situation, as he may be trapped in a conflict of loyalty between his two patients. Similarly, finding yourself in the same waiting room as a loved one to see your psychologist is not always a pleasant experience. It may therefore be preferable to make only one evaluation consultation so that the psychologist will direct you to one of his colleagues.

If neither of these means is suitable for you, you can also contact the French Federation of Psychologists and Psychologists (FFPP) to find your psychologist. Finally, two psychologists or two psychiatrists may have different specializations (clinical, social, cognitive psychology, behavioral psychiatry, neuropsychiatry …). Do not hesitate to ask the specialist about his qualifications.

Support for consultations


The psychiatrist is the only one who, among these specialists, is recognized as a doctor. The consultations are therefore reimbursed by the Social Security but the care can vary:

Conventional sector 1 psychiatrists: the Health Insurance covers 70% of the price. The remaining 30% is the responsibility of the patient or his complement. These psychiatrists have fixed rates.
Conventional sector 2 psychiatrists: the reimbursement of the Health Insurance is the same but these specialists set their own rates. The remaining 30% can be covered, to a certain extent, by the complementary.
Non-contracted psychiatrists: Rates are only reimbursed on the basis of a lump sum of 1.46 euros.

Psychologist and psychotherapist

The amount of a consultation can vary between 40 and 70 euros, or even more if the specialist in question is recognized in this environment, because the tariffs are not fixed by the law. The same psychologist may choose to adapt his prices according to the patient’s resources and the nature of the consultation (psychological tests, etc.) Social Security coverage is possible, but only in rare cases:

  –Case management: Social Security can take over the consultation if the psychologist or psychotherapist practices in a public structure such as CMPs, medico-psychological centers, day hospitals or health centers for students and Of people with limited resources.
Unsupported cases: any consultation with a psychiatrist in a private clinic or private practice will not be taken care of, as they are not recognized as doctors by the Social Security.


Since the profession is not recognized or regulated, there is obviously no possibility of taking care of them. Psychotherapy must not, however, be confused with a psychiatrist and therefore reimbursed, and psychoanalysis, which is not.

Cases of reimbursement by mutuals

Some mutual societies propose to take charge of some of the psychological burdens (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist) within predefined limits which vary according to the contract. The annual number of consultations and the amount of the reimbursement is thus limited. Depending on your needs, it may be interesting to compare the various mutuals to study their offers.

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