Retirement: Should we keep our mutual health insurance?

Retirement: Should we keep our mutual health insurance?

You are approaching retirement or have just stopped working, it is the perfect time to take stock of your health coverage. But pay attention to the significant increase in your membership fee, which can reach up to 50%! Should we move towards a mutual adapted for the over 55 years?

Should you keep your mutual when you retire?

First, take advantage of your change of situation to ensure that the guarantees included in your contract meet your needs: your repayment and guarantee needs have probably evolved.
All options are possible for a young retiree, but you have an interest to refer to a mutual adapted for the over 55 years.

We can distinguish three situations:

  • You benefit from a mutual company: you can ask your mutual health insurance company to extend your contract. However, it will cost you a significant increase, up to 50%! The employer takes in charge a significant part of the mutual contribution of its employees ... but rarely retirees.
    If your employer contributed 50% of your contribution, it will cost you at least an equivalent increase to maintain the same guarantees.
  • You benefit from an individual mutual: you can easily extend your contract, since your insurer can not terminate the contract on the pretext of a retirement. The tariff of your mutual will increase however. 
  • You are a self-employed worker: the tax benefits provided by the Madelin law end at the same time as the cessation of your professional activity. You will have to bear the full cost of your mutual health. 
Sources : health insurance
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