Hearing aids: Find the most reimbursable mutual benefit

Hearing aids: Find the most reimbursable mutual benefit

It is estimated that 6 million people are hearing impaired, half of whom require hearing aids to improve their hearing. On the other hand, the price of hearing aids remains very high, especially for smaller budgets. So how to find the mutual health that offers the best refunds? How much can we expect?

Hearing aids are very expensive

The rate of fitting hearing aids has increased markedly in France since the early 2000s, from 200,000 devices to more than 1.6 million in 2015. This increase is explained by growing needs on the part of the French Since 3 million people would be forced to work to improve their hearing.

At the same time, when it comes to equipping hearing aids, the bill can quickly climb. For basic equipment, the average amount is between 1000 € and 2000 € (for pairing both ears). For the best performing hearing aids, intended for the hearing-impaired with a high handicap, no less than 4 000 € are necessary.

When it is known that, for a person over 20 years of age, hearing aids are reimbursed by the Social Security for 60% of the basic tariff set at 199.71 €, the difference between the prices charged by the Manufacturers and these refunds is important. In order to adapt in a suitable way, subscribing to a supplementary health insurance allows you to obtain better reimbursements, up to € 2,000 for the best contracts.

Analyze your needs and compare

Before choosing your mutual health insurance, several steps are to be followed if you want to get the best refunds on your hearing aids, at the best price. As a first step, have quotes issued by audioprosthetists to know the price and the technical characteristics of the hearing aids adapted to your needs.

Then, choosing the mutual insurance company that offers refunds up to € 2000 is not necessary if you need to fit a single ear for a cost of € 600. You will then pay more for your complementary health without real interest. Also ensure that refunds on other health posts are not revised downward due to your need for equipment. The savings would be lost over time …

To know the reimbursement levels on the hearing aids of the different organizations offering complementary health in a minimum of time, use an online health insurance comparator. By comparing the many offers in detail, you will be able to find the mutual health insurance that corresponds to your needs. This service is entirely free of charge and without obligation.

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Source: http://ift.tt/2mcU71q
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