Motorcycle Insurance:The rise of maxi-scooters

Motorcycle Insurance:The rise of maxi-scooters

Since the change in the characteristics of the A2 motorcycle license in 2013, the maxi-scooters have enjoyed a growing success with fans of large displacement. To simplify this reform, it allows to drive a motorcycle with a displacement greater than 125cm3 thanks to the A2 license. However, its power must not exceed 35kW.

Motorcycle insurance:The advantages of the maxi-scooter

The main advantage of the maxi-scooter is its power. Thanks to the latter, it offers the possibility to move freely on motorways. The other advantage of this scooter comes from its accessibility. As said before, it is possible since January 19, 2013 to pass the A2 license on an automatic model.

The permit thus obtained offers the possibility of driving a maxi-scooter not exceeding 35 kW of power. However, you can take advantage of this opportunity to gain experience and return to the motorcycle school to obtain your license without restriction and with mechanical box. Anyone who wants to enjoy the sensations of the motorcycle without obtaining a permit A can thus turn to the maxi-scooter.

The disadvantages of the maxi-scooter

Because of its power so of its motor, the maxi-scooter is heavier than a model of less than 125cm3. Its handling can prove to be problematic at first, because it requires a period of adaptation. The other disadvantage is the cost of the models. Despite the boom in the market, prices remain relatively high especially for the most comfortable and secure models. The latter currently fluctuate between € 4,500 and € 7,500.

The market-leading TMax 530

In the maxi-scooter market, Yamaha remains the benchmark with its TMax 530 model. This small car is ranked first with 4,154 maxi scooters sold in France since the beginning of 2015. It should be noted that Is also the most sold two-wheeler all-cylinder combined. The main advantages of the TMax 530 are its fine and aggressive silhouette, its maneuverability including high speed and of course its power.

Maxi-scooter and insurance

Driving a maxi-scooter does not dispense with the use of motorcycle insurance. To choose an insurance for maxi-scooter, note these two points of attention; First, the maxi-scooter is particularly popular with thieves. Then it turns out to be more dangerous than the others because of its power. So, to take advantage of an insurance that meets your needs, it is recommended to opt for an all-risk formula, and to turn to our maxi-scooter insurance comparator to be sure to find a suitable contract.

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