Ferret insurance : A ferret as a pet, why not?

Ferret insurance : A ferret as a pet, why not?

Playful, intelligent and very friendly, the ferret leaves the forests to settle comfortably in the French homes. And yes, for several years already, the adoption of a ferret as a pet is a rage in the hexagon.

Many have fallen under the spell of these little domestic animals, also known as “stinking thieves.” When you adopt a ferret, you have to ask yourself the right questions and make sure you can accommodate it properly. Zoom on the ferret and how this little creature from the family of “NAC” (new pets) can make you happy!

The adoption of a ferret

Like a cat or a dog, the ferret also needs to be educated. This mustelid has characteristics of its own: it is unruly, rodent, thief, mischievous, but happens to be very affectionate, intelligent and player at the same time. The first point to consider when adopting a ferret is the type.

There are three types of domestic ferrets: the albino ferret, the ferocious ferret, and finally the angora ferret. The albino ferrets are invariably white with pink eyes and have short hairs. Same for the ferret pole, except that it sports different colors of coats and markings. Finally, the angora ferret generally has long hairs and has a larger body size than the traditional ferret.

The advantages of the ferret: this animal is not very noisy and does not make big holes in the garden. He is also very playful, curious and especially very cuddly. As for the inconveniences, the ferret has the reputation of a thief; He steals and hides everything and anything in his secret hiding place.

Be careful, therefore, not to leave important objects within reach. The other disadvantage of adopting a ferret is that the small animal tends to scratch carpets, carpets and sofas. Finally, the ferret does not jump very well and can easily get hurt if not monitored.

Insurance for the ferret

Did you know ? There are special insurances for ferrets. Between the comings and goings of the veterinarian, the various wounds and the viruses that drag in the air, it is not always easy to protect the animal. Hence the importance of acquiring insurance; This mutual health ferret will take care of the cost of its various treatments and will save you money.

Understand and accept the ferret

If the ferret adopts a life expectancy of 8 to 14 years, it is not for nothing! This pet loves to sleep … And yes, it spends at least 16 to 20 hours a day to sleep and to rest. Generally, the ferret remains more or less clean; The only downside is its nauseating odor emanating from its sebaceous glands. A characteristic against which the ferret owner can struggle; For this a simple operation of the glands of the animal suffices.

In terms of hygiene, the ferret needs to be regularly brushed and cleaned. It is also necessary to cut the claws. The other important point to know about the ferret is that it can bite into being baby or even being an adult; It must therefore be under constant surveillance. Finally, it should be noted that the castrated ferret remains much less aggressive than the non-castrated ferret.

Education, comfort and affection

The education of a ferret is an important step, which can take several weeks or even months. But once the animal begins to adapt to your way of life, you will undoubtedly experience beautiful adventures with it.

Besides the education of the animal, one must also take into account its comfort. For this, offer him a beautiful and large cage, where he will find all the well-being he needs, including his bottle, the tin, his litter and his playground. Ideally, it should be placed away from drafts.

Even though each ferret holds a unique personality, it turns out that most of these animals are very affectionate. So make sure you can give him all the attention and affection he needs.

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Source: http://ift.tt/2nsDN0u
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