VTC insurance: What steps to become a VTC driver?

VTC insurance: What steps to become a VTC driver?

On 2 February 2016, a decree regulating access to the profession of driver of VTC (transport car with driver) was published in the Official Journal. As a result of the recent large-scale demonstrations, the government has once again chosen to reform the examination and the modalities for fuinsuture CVT drivers. This is an opportunity to take stock of the modalities for those who would like to take this exam and carry out this activity.

Obtaining a transportation authorization

Since February 2, 2016, therefore, finished the training of 250 hours. From now on to obtain the authorization of transport you will have to pass an examination whose modalities were stated by decree.

This examination consists of five tests in the form of MCQs. To participate, candidates must hold a B license valid for at least 3 years. In total, candidates will be asked to answer 110 questions related to road safety, business management, customer relations, French language comprehension, and the comprehension and expression of the English language (European level A2).

To be declared a candidate, the candidate must have an average score of at least 12 out of 20 for the entire examination and a minimum number of correct answers for each of the MCQs.

Examinations will take place at approved centers and at specific dates. You will be able to receive training for the preparation of this examination in training centers that are also accredited.

In addition to this examination, VTC drivers are now subject to mandatory continuing education. Every five years the driver must attend a training course lasting at least 7 hours.

Once the examination has been completed, the applicant must go to the prefecture on which his place of residence depends, or to the police headquarters if he lives in Paris. He / she must then complete an application for a VTC business card. In order to do so, he / she must enclose with his / her application the proof of his or her success in the examination, a photocopy of his / her B permit valid for 3 years, have a medical examination with a doctor approved by the prefecture of his department, Of the diploma “Prevention and civil relief level 1” for at least 2 years, and have a clean criminal record. It will take up to two months to get a card.

It should be noted, however, that there is an exception to obtaining the examination provided for by the order of 2 February 2016, if you can justify (with your pay slips) an experience of at least 12 months The last 10 years in the transport sector (bus driver, taxi, ambulance …) you will be exempted from this formality.

A vehicle meeting certain standards

In order for the transport vehicle to be registered and thus to be used in the course of your activity as a VTC driver, the latter must comply with certain characteristics. The transport car must have:

  • Between 4 and 9 seats, driver included
  • Less than 6 years, unless it is a collector vehicle
  • At least 4 doors
  • Minimum overall dimensions: 4,50m x 1,70m   
  • A motor with a net power greater than or equal to 84 kW (120 hp)

You will then have to register yourself in the Atout France register. It is the French tourism development agency. You can do this on-line or on-site.

Create a company

In order to practice this professional activity it is necessary to create a legal entity which will give a legal framework to your project of activity VTC. You will then have two solutions, each offering its advantages and disadvantages, either the company or the individual company (via the status of self-entrepreneur).

The auto entrepreneur regime will allow you a simplified administrative procedure. Moreover, in this statute, if the turnover is zero you will not have to pay any taxes or contributions. This status will however correspond more to occasional drivers since the annual turnover released with this status can not exceed 32,900 € per year.

You can also choose to create a company type SAS (Simplified company by share) or a SASU (a SAS with a single partner). These companies are characterized by their great flexibility in the organization of management and the distribution and transfer of capital.

In any case you will need to find out the solution that best suits your needs. For this, and even later, the help of an accountant can be very valuable.

Insure the company and vehicle

It is of course mandatory to be insured for the transport of persons on a professional basis.

You will then have to subscribe to a professional civil liability for your activity and for your vehicle.

Concerning the insurance of your activity, the latter will be guaranteed by the subscription of a professional civil liability for the exploitation of your enterprise which will allow you to cover the bodily, material or immaterial damages suffered by a customer or a third party when There will be no involvement of the vehicle. When you are declared liable for damage, out of accident with your vehicle (the luggage of your customers is damaged or undergoes a theft, you deposit the customer at the wrong airport …), this insurance will take care of the compensation of the victim.

As for the insurance of your vehicle, you will have to subscribe to a car insurance for professional use. This RC circulation will cover all damage caused to third parties and suffered by passengers, vehicle and property in the event of an accident in which the vehicle would be involved.

Depending on the contract you choose the guarantees may vary. Once it is a professional activity it is advisable to subscribe to the best guarantees possible. Some structures with which you can join such as Uber, LeCab or Private Chauffeur will require an unlimited guarantee in case of bodily injury and at least 1 000 000 € for property damage.

It will be essential to be properly insured for the exercise of this activity in which the possible accidents can lead to compensation to the very important victims.

All you have to do is register for the VTC. This registration is compulsory for the activity of operator VTC. This will be done online and will have to be renewed every 5 years.

In summary :The terms and conditions of access to the profession have changed considerably until that date. Today things seem fixed. Make sure you meet all legal requirements, including insurance. It is essential to have the best possible coverage in the event of an accident, especially in an area where compensation can quickly be very large.

So take the time to learn about all the terms and conditions offered by the various contracts and choose the one that you consider most suited to your needs.

Good to know :Remember that each VTC vehicle must display a green sticker on the front and rear of the vehicle. The latter must indicate the vehicle registration number and the registration number of the vehicle.

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Source: http://ift.tt/2nxTF1R
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