Motorcycle insurance: Where to find the best motorcycle insurance?

Motorcycle insurance: Where to find the best motorcycle insurance?

If you have just bought your first bike, you may not know it, but all confirmed bikers know it already: motorcycle insurance is mandatory to get on the road! And if you do not want to pay too much while having optimal coverage, finding the best motorcycle insurance will be your first priority.

Best Motorcycle Insurance: Mandatory Coverage

The only guarantee that the law imposes on any holder of two roads to be able to take the road is the guarantee of civil responsibility. This guarantee covers the compensation of material, intangible or bodily damage caused by the rider to a third party during a road accident. This obligation applies to all motorized vehicles, be they cars or motorcycles. And do not take the risk of overriding this legal obligation: you risk a fine of 3750 €, a suspension of the driver's license and a confiscation of your motorcycle ... Not to mention the risk of debts for the rest of your life.

Source: motorcycle insurance
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