Home insurance:How to secure your home tables and valuables?

Home insurance:How to secure your home tables and valuables?

Home insurance::Many French non-collectors, however, possess a valuable object, a painting, a sculpture … which they neglect to insure, thinking that their multi-housing habitation is enough. However, this is far from always the case and the contract exclusions are numerous. Let us take stock of the insurance of works of art and value.

Classic Home Insurance

Defining a Value Object

First of all, the definitions may vary from one insurer to another and are not set by the Insurance Code. Some contracts collect all the goods under the name of “valuables” while others make the difference between “precious goods” (jewelery, precious metals, ingots …) and “valuables”. Last, for what valuable goods, refer to our corresponding guide.

The following are considered valuable objects: paintings, sculptures, statues, rare antique furniture or design, ornaments as well as certain accessories made of precious metals, furs and carpets, skins, manuscripts and ancient books, vases and porcelain. The “current furniture” category. This list may vary depending on the contract.

However, insurance contracts provide conditions: in order for a good to be considered as “valuable”, the value in euros of the latter must be greater than a certain amount, which may vary according to the nature of the property (table or Furniture, for example) and according to insurers. It is therefore imperative to refer to your own contract to know if your work is considered a valuable object.

The extension of the compulsory guarantee

It is very unlikely that a conventional home insurance policy will cover your valuables: it will be necessary to subscribe to the “valuables” option. Thus, your art objects, paintings and sculptures will be covered in case of water damage, fire, theft, breakage of ice, vandalism, storm and natural disasters.

Exclusions and limitations of the multi-residential housing contract

  • Even subscribing to this warranty extension many exclusions remain. Thus, will not be covered in case of theft, damage, claims …:
  • The objects located in the outbuildings (veranda, shed …) and any attic, cellar, not connected directly to the main house.
  •  Even if the option “flight in dependence” is taken out, this guarantee applies only to current furniture and not to valuables and spirits.
  • Collections are not covered.
  • Theft of valuables in locations that are rented or open to the public are not guaranteed.
  • The awkwardness (vase reversed, table which is disconnected from its base …) or any accident without thirds identified.
  •  It is common for floods not to be taken into account unless declared a natural disaster.
  • For the theft guarantee: it is suspended during the periods of inhabitation, from a fixed number of days of absence per according to the insurance (usually between 30 and 60 non-consecutive days per year).

However, these exclusions may vary depending on the contract. Objects are often not guaranteed according to their value as new but their use value, in other words, a quotient of age will be applied.

Finally, valuables are guaranteed only on a percentage of capital only. If your general movable capital is 80 000 € for example, it is possible that the coverage of valuables is limited to an amount of 10 000 €, 15 000 € or 20 000 €. However, some multi-risk vehicles can raise this amount.

Alarms and security

Insurance can affect the application of safeguards through the implementation of security measures such as an alarm, reinforced locks or the placement of certain items in safes. Security requirements depend on the objects, their value and the insurer.

“Sensitive objects”

For some time now a new guarantee has been created, covering “sensitive objects. “These are no more or less technological objects that you can own: computer, home theater, Hi-fi, photo and video equipment …

Conventional multi-pockets do not provide, or badly, valuables worth more than € 30,000. Several solutions exist then: the multirisque dwelling prestige or the specific contracts of works of art.

Specific “artwork” contracts

Whether you own only one art object of very high value or several, there are specific “artwork” contracts usually marketed through specialized brokers. This time the damage caused by the clumsiness is covered, but also the damage caused during a restoration, cleaning or framing of a painting, exposure in a loaned or rented dwelling, transport (for an exhibition by example).

In the event of irreparable damage, some insurers may even approach the artist if the artist is still alive to ask him to do the same work again. These insurances are generally very flexible: for example, heavy and old furniture with little exposure to theft will be especially guaranteed against accidental damage and fires.

The peculiarity of the furniture is that it is often evaluated according to its value of use by the multirisk dwellings, much lower than the real value. To take out a specific insurance allows to evaluate it according to its value of realization or replacement to nine.

If you have a lot of rare items, you can group them together and collect them as a collection.
Two possible subscriptions

Specific contracts can be subscribed in two ways:

  •     In declared value: it is up to the insured to provide proof of the genuineness of the property during a disaster, and not to the signature of the contract. The insured must therefore have assembled the necessary elements beforehand and have had to estimate, for example, the objects he inherited because he does not have an invoice. Otherwise, once the property is destroyed because of a loss, it can not prove its existence and its authenticity. The refund is then made on the price in the auction room of an object similar to the day of the loss.
  • In approved value: an appraisal is carried out at the signature of the contract to estimate each of the valuables. In the event of a claim, the insurance company is then obliged to compensate the object from this value, whether the coast has decreased or increased in the meantime, for which it may be useful to carry out a new appraisal from time to time .

The multirisque dwelling high-end

The high-end multi-residential property is to be preferred if the value of your objects exceeds 150 000/250 000 € at least. In this kind of high-end insurance works of art and housing are insured without distinction and the goods are not defined because, often, valuables can be used as furniture (an empire secretary for example).

Your wealth is covered up to an amount of 300,000 euros or more depending on the insurers. You will then be reimbursed on the basis of the new value of the property without being obsolete in case of theft, loss, fall, breakage, loss …

Inventory and Authentication

Whether in the case of a typical multi-family home or a specific contract, and even if the insurer does not ask you to do so, it is very important to carry out an inventory of your assets and have them authenticated, Be adequately compensated:
  • Inventory: For each object and table take many photos (the details that identify the property, scratch, inscriptions …) and write an accurate description (weight, shape, color, title of the painting …)
  • Authentication: It is usually at your expense and not the insurer’s. Authentication can be done at the same time as the inventory with the help of an expert who will evaluate the value of the objects. This expertise can be renewed regularly in order to reassess the properties whose coast can be lowered or increased.

Keep bills, certificates of authentication and expert testimonials in a safe at the bank, for example, or by simply sending them to the insurer for a copy.

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Source: http://ift.tt/2nj1IAF
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