Water damage: the CIDRE and CIDE COP

Water damage: the CIDRE and CIDE COP

In the event of water damage the bill can quickly turn out to be high. Fortunately in your contract multirisk dwelling you will find most of the time a “water damage” guarantee. Let us take stock of the steps to be taken and the significance and impact of the CIDRE and CIDE COP conventions.

Water damage :Notify Insurer

In the event of the occurrence of water damage, it is advisable first to limit its extent. At this point it is possible that you bring a plumber or repairer to the emergency department. Keep, of course, any invoices delivered as a result of their intervention in order to hand them back to the insurer, or even to the expert potential that will intervene at the scene of the accident.

You will then have to notify your insurer as soon as possible of the occurrence of this disaster. Article L 113-2 of the Insurance Code imposes a period of five days for the insured to declare the loss to his insurer. Compliance with this deadline is essential since the guarantee can be lost for the insured in the event of a breach of this obligation.

Also consider preventing potential neighbors, the condominium syndicate and your landlord when water damage occurs.

Finding and expertise

As a result of an automobile accident it will be judicious, even essential, to complete an amicable report of water damage. You can obtain this from your insurer. It will make it possible to gather the known elements of the accident between the different parties concerned.

The location (s) of the incident, the circumstances in which it occurred, the cause (where known), the extent of the damage and the contact details of the persons affected by the accident and their insurers Respectively.

Once signed, you will forward the document to your insurer, the persons involved and the owner of your dwelling or your trustee.

Please note that even if you are the only one affected and involved in the accident, you must inform your insurer.

Be diligent to deliver the report within five days to your insurer.

Once these formalities have been completed, the insurer will be able to send an expert to the scene to assess the damage. This will be systematic only for claims involving more than € 1,600 in material damage. As for a motor vehicle accident, the expert will have to quantify the damages caused by the water damage and to determine the origin. Prepare as many pieces as possible to justify your material losses. As such, it may be invoices as well as photographs attesting the presence of certain movable property. Moreover, do not hesitate to keep the damaged goods until this expert passes. He will then write a report that will be sent to your insurer. This report will form the basis of your compensation.

Settlement of compensation

Following the passing of the expert your insurance company will make you an offer of compensation. If you accept the latter payment of your indemnity will be made within the time limits stipulated in the contract, generally of the order of one month. If you refuse this offer you can try to find a friendly solution with your insurer or to call for a second opinion. The latter will nevertheless be at your expense, unless your contract provides for the “expert fees” guarantee. The two experts will then be able to find a definitive and enforceable agreement or to call on a third expert whose expenses will be shared between your insurer and yourself.


These agreements, signed between different insurers, aim to simplify the compensation procedure and offer faster financial cover for the insured when there are several to be affected by the same claim. Therefore, in the case of overlapping of guarantees between the victims of a claim, it is these agreements which apply to determine which insurer will indemnify the loss.

The CIDRE Convention is intended to apply when the material damage related to the claim is less than € 1,600 and the intangible damage is less than € 800. Beyond that, the CIDE COP Convention applies.

The principle is simple: it is the insurer that will directly compensate its non-liable insured without then turning against the insurer of the person in charge of the damage. In addition, damages relating to embellishments and minor repairs will be insured by the insurer of the occupant, even if the latter does not own the property.

To be applied, a claim must involve several insurance companies, signatories to the agreement. It is also necessary that the loss be attributable to a cause listed in the said agreement, causes that do not form part of the guarantees proposed by the guarantee damage of the waters of the multi-hazard dwelling.

Thus under these agreements it is the insurer of the injured party who will compensate the latter. It is the insurer of the occupant who will compensate him for the property of the dwelling and the embellishments, and it is the insurer of the owner of the building or the joint ownership that will indemnify for the damage of the common parts And off-premises.

Therefore there is no need to look for liability of anyone before or after to proceed with the compensation, the insured will be compensated faster.

Nevertheless, there are cases where these conventions can not apply:

Where the insurer is not a signatory to the agreement
Where the person responsible is not insured
Where a professional is responsible as a result of work
In the event of too much repetition of claims (24 months between claims)

In these cases your insurer will proceed to your compensation before turning against the person responsible for the damage or its insurer.

Good to know : The causes of the claim falling within the scope of the CIDRE and CIDE COP conventions are provided for in the latter. As explained above their scope is wider than for most of the water damage guarantees offered by insurers. The following are taken into account, in the light of the Convention:

“Leaks, ruptures, congestion, overflows or overturning:

Non-buried pipes for the supply and distribution of cold or hot water, rainwater, domestic or drainage drainage, gutters and gutters,
Central heating, water or steam installations, with the exception of buried pipelines,
Appliances with water effect,
Of containers,

Whether or not the gel is at the origin:

Infiltrations through roofs,
Infiltrations by the seals at the edges of the sanitary installations and through the tiles, when these infiltrations result from the use of a sanitary appliance (wash basin, sink, shower, tub, etc …).

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Source: http://ift.tt/2nj79Qa
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