Auto Assistance Warranty: Why is it important to sign up?

Auto Assistance Warranty: Why is it important to sign up?

Optional, the auto assistance guarantee is rarely at the center of the concerns of the client who seeks to be insured. Failures and accidents can occur anywhere and at any time, and without this guarantee, all towing or repatriation costs will be borne by you.

Also not mandatory, the auto assistance guarantee is generally not included in your auto insurance, it is up to you to make the procedure and ask your insurer that it is. It is inexpensive and quickly becomes very profitable in the event of breakdowns or car accidents: the assistance takes care of all the practical and financial modalities to get you out of this bad step.

Insurance and assistance, what difference?

Assistance means assisting a person in a problem or dangerous situation, while insurance as such relates to compensation and redress.

The car assistance therefore provides material and logistical assistance in case of breakdown, car theft, accident or puncture, where the insurance will pay off the damage caused.

The services provided by a car assistance guarantee

All support contracts do not necessarily include the same guarantees, so be sure to check that those you want to benefit from are well understood. However, the same type of services is found globally:

  • Assistance related to the immobilisation of the vehicle: towing the car to a garage, lending a vehicle during repairs, transportation and accommodation of passengers and driver (taxi, train or plane ticket) …
  • Medical assistance: in the event of accidents, the assistance may take on medical repatriation from abroad, sending an ambulance …
  • Death assistance: body transport, funeral care, legal assistance but also psychological can be included in the guarantee.

Beware of exceptions and pitfalls

The assistance guarantees may include many restrictions depending on the insurer and the type of contract. Be careful not to fall into some traps that can sometimes remove all the interest that this guarantee represents.

  • Take an assistance 0km Depending on the assistance contract you have chosen, there may be a mileage deductible. If, for example, it is 50 km, the assistance will refuse to help you if you have broken down less than 50 km from your home. And be clear, between 20, 30 or 40km, the problem remains the same overall, you will have to tow your car and take a taxi to go home. So make sure that you have taken out a 0km insurance, without any mileage deductible. Depending on the age of your vehicle, however, some insurers may refuse to grant it.

  • Clumsiness Loss of the keys of your vehicle, gasoline failure, mistake of supply of the fuel … the claims directly related to an awkwardness can not make use of the assistance guarantee, except in certain cases for the failure of gasoline, But this again depends on your contract.
  • Possible restrictions Be sure to read the short lines of your contract: pay particular attention to the amount of compensation caps, especially the cost of repatriation from abroad, which is sometimes too low, and make sure that the assistance guarantee expands Passengers and not just the driver.

In the event of an accident, how to call the guarantee?

Nothing’s easier. In case of breakdown, accident or any other problem included in your assistance contract, you can call your car insurance. The number is on the back of your green card, is free and available 24/7. The operator will certainly ask you for information on your registration card to identify your vehicle.

It is recommended that you contact your assistance as soon as the incident occurs. And if you have to pay a fee, keep the proof of payment in order to be refunded later. Be careful, however, that not all the audiences are reimbursed, so make sure to check what is in your contract.

Do not forget, however, that on the motorway you will have to use the terminals placed on the emergency stopband to call the emergency services: the gendarmerie will take care of the signaling of your vehicle and its position.

When buying your car insurance policy, be careful to take an insurance guarantee at the same time and do not hesitate to compare the different rates and services offered by insurers to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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