Motorhome Insurance :What insurance for my Motorhome ?

Motorhome Insurance :What insurance for my Motorhome ?

Walking the roads, falling asleep every night in a different place, living as a nomad for a few days or a few weeks … The motorhome is a unique way of understanding his journey, but we must not forget practical aspects like Insurance to travel in peace. Let’s take stock of all the guarantees and the possible scenarios that may arise in terms of motor home insurance.

Minimum compulsory insurance: civil liability

The Motorhome remains a vehicle just like the car. At all times, even when not driving, your Motorhome van also has to be covered by civil liability, which covers any damage you may cause to others in the event of an accident. This warranty is normally included in all offers offered by insurers.

Optional guarantees

Today, most traditional insurers offer motor home insurance, so you will be spoiled for choice. It is simply a matter of sorting out the various optional guarantees available that you will have to choose according to the use of your motorhome (runs all the year or simply during your weeks of holidays?) Value, the adjustments made and what it contains.

These guarantees include:

  •     The assistance warranty, combined with a 0km deductible for optimum coverage in the event of vehicle breakdown and towing
  • Insurance against theft, fire or breakage of ice
  • The individual accident guarantee for you to be covered in the event of a responsible accident or without responsible person identified
  • Insurance for natural disasters / attacks
  • Legal protection in case of disputes in the sale, purchase or repair of the motor home
  •  The contents guarantee to ensure the equipment that can be found in your motor home in the event of vehicle theft, burglary or fire.
    Be careful, however, this warranty does not necessarily cover valuable items (jewelry …), bicycles that could be hung, or the trailer. The latter must be covered not by a guarantee but by a separate insurance in the same way as towed vehicles such as the caravan. Also, inquire if you are going to have to carry professional equipment or if you have animals.

It is entirely possible to take out “all-risk” insurance, as in the case of a car, in order to be covered under all circumstances. Note that all of these benefits may vary by insurer.

What if I go abroad?

    The countries listed on your green card

Insurers define areas of traffic in which your insurance will be valid. Generally this area extends to the European Union, but be careful to check the list of countries, which is on the back of your green card, in which you are covered.

However, even in the case of the countries mentioned in the aforementioned green card, insurers generally do not cover journeys of more than 90 days, beyond which you must take out other insurance in the country concerned.

    Countries not mentioned

Some insurers also offer 90-day insurance in the so-called “off-green” countries.

If you are traveling to a country not covered by your insurance policy, or if you are staying more than 90 days, you will need to get closer to the country of destination in order to take out additional insurance. Each country has its own jurisdiction and you should refer to it.

Some countries may require you to take out a civil liability guarantee at the border crossing, but this is usually not very costly. It is therefore very important to know before leaving where you wish to stay to inquire about any administrative arrangements.

In order to avoid this puzzle, you can also rent a Motorhome directly on site.

    Travel insurance

Please also do not confuse motorhome insurance and travel insurance: the insurance of your vehicle will not ensure your repatriation in the event of a health problem for example.

    Pay attention to parking

Otherwise, refer to the parking laws of the country of destination. If in some of them you will be able to park and sleep almost everywhere this will not be the case in others, and to park in a “prohibited zone” may be either dangerous or expensive because the fines can be very High.

I own a Motorhome rental

It is quite possible to rent a motorhome if you are an owner, you just have to subscribe to an insurance which authorizes it.

Generally the owner makes the choice of insurance all risks. In the event of a loss the insurance taken out will bear all the damage without, if the tenant is declared liable, the owner is penalized.

However, this type of insurance only allows the rental for private use, so the tenant must not use the vehicle for any tourist or commercial activity.

If you do not wish to take out insurance of this type or if you wish to rent your motor home and the contract you have signed does not allow, you can take out temporary insurance such as renters.

I am a Motorhome rental tenant

If you do not have your own Motorhome and do not want to buy one, you can simply rent one in France or directly abroad for the duration of your choice, from a few days to a few months. The rental can be done with a specialized company like private individual.

Two solutions are available:

  • The owner, or the private company, provides the insurance.
    In this case you have nothing to do! Just take care that it also covers thefts and fires, not just civil liability.
  • It is up to the tenant to take out the insurance and to provide a certificate as proof to the owner.
    Since this is a rental you can take out temporary insurance, from a few days to a few months. The obligatory and optional guarantees are the same as in the case of a classic hire but the conditions are generally more stringent: the driver must have at least 25 years, two years of license and a bonus above a certain threshold. Another thing, this kind of insurance is usually relatively expensive.

Whatever the usefulness of your motorhome, it is essential to pay attention to the guarantees proposed by your insurance and, before subscribing one, to compare the different services of the insurers using for example a comparator of Dedicated insurance.

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