Dog / cat health insurance: up to what age can your pet be insured?

Dog / cat health insurance: up to what age can your pet be insured?

When a puppy or a kitten is welcomed at home, we are certainly committed to an adventure and a complicity of more than 10 years. Therefore, you should anticipate the different expenses that you should face. For healthcare costs, specific insurance offers many guarantees. Can an older dog be insured? A very young cat? What criteria should your pet respect?

Race and age, determining criteria

For a dog or a cat, one of the first criteria asked by the insurance companies is the animal age . And due to age, subscription to a dog / cat health insurance may be denied.

For most insurers offering health insurance for dogs and cats, the animal must be at least 3 months old to benefit from health coverage. This delay corresponds to the adaptation of the dog or the cat to its new diet and to its physiological development. From this age, insurers are also sensitive to whether your pet is tattooed or identified by microchip.

Regarding the maximum age of the animal, in the great majority of cases, a health insurance for dog or cat will be refused if the animal is 8 years old or more. As with human beings, the faster the animal’s age, the healthier is deteriorated and the insurers are cautious to cover these aged beings because they are too risky. Similarly for insurance premiums, they will increase in proportion to the age of the animal.

The breed of your dog or cat is the other determining criterion for insuring his pet. Some breeds of dogs or cats are more fragile than others and present more health risks. The price of an insurance will therefore not be identical for a dachshund and a German shepherd, as well as a maine coon cat and a Siamese.

The other key points of health insurance dog / cat

To be able to buy health insurance for your dog or your cat, insurance companies will ask you for the state of health of your pet. You will therefore need to provide either a declaration to the organization, a veterinary certificate or a health check. Be careful not to make false statements! This could turn against you and prevent you from benefiting from warranties where applicable.

Your dog or cat must also be up-to-date with his vaccines and not have chronic, hereditary or congenital diseases to benefit from the guarantees of the contract. Therefore the sooner you subscribe, the more likely you are that your pet will not have this type of illness and therefore the possibility of taking out insurance.

On the other hand, do not just think about dog / cat health insurance when problems arise. Deficiency delays are very often applied by insurers to avoid abuse. These periods may vary between one week and three months.

To find out if your dog or cat is eligible for health insurance and know the price of a contract, use a dog / cat insurance comparator. This service, provided free of charge and without obligation, will give you the opportunity to view the offers of the various insurance companies as quickly as possible. You will be able to compare the prices but also the guarantees and the services offered by each of the insurers

The post Dog / cat health insurance: up to what age can your pet be insured? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.

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