What guarantees to choose to ensure your swimming pool and your garden?

What guarantees to choose to ensure your swimming pool and your garden?

Home insurance:A swimming pool and a beautiful garden can be the fruit of long sacrifices to make the exteriors of a house impeccable and give a precious sentimental and real value. Yet these elements are subject to risks that home insurance do not necessarily cover. What guarantees exist to ensure a swimming pool and a garden? How to subscribe?

Many homeowners take care of the exteriors of their dwelling as much as the interior. Sometimes for many years, they plant flowers, grass their lawn, pamper their fruit trees, install fountains or build large swimming pools. These facilities allow them to fully enjoy the sun’s rays, beautify their exteriors and boost the value of their home. In order not to destroy all these efforts after degradation, disastrous climatic shifts or an incident, it is essential to subscribe to specific assurances.

Insurance for swimming pools

Before taking out pool insurance, it is compulsory since 1 January 2006 to comply with certain safety rules imposed by law. The owner of a swimming pool has the choice between 4 safety devices to protect its installation:

  • Construct a swimming pool shelter (light structures or verandas) meeting the standard NF P90-309
  • Install a roller shutter, a movable floor rising to the surface or a safety cover conforming to standard NF     P90-308
  • Establish an alarm system to detect falls or presence at the edge of a pool meeting the standard NF P90-307
  • Implant a protective barrier at least one meter from the pool and a minimum height of 1.10 meters that complies with the NF P90-306 standard

These protective devices are compulsory for swimming pools or underground or buried spas installed outside. Without their installation, the owner can not be covered by insurance and is liable to a fine of 45,000 euros.

Also note that if the pool has been built by a professional, the owner is covered by the guarantee of perfect completion (defects or minor problems) for one year from the date of delivery by the professional and for 10 years by the guarantee Decennial of the manufacturer (major workmanship).

Nevertheless the owners are not covered for all the risks related to the use of their swimming pool. In the first place, an owner can be covered by subscribing a “pool” option in his contract of civil liability insurance. This warranty provides cover in the event of a person drowning or injuring himself or herself despite the installation of one of the mandatory safety devices. Without liability insurance, the owner could be held responsible for the incident and should be financially responsible for the care of the victim, which may be very important in serious incidents.

Other additional guarantee for the “pool” option of a home insurance: the “damage” guarantee. This warranty covers damage to the swimming pool, equipment and equipment (robot, internal system, roller shutter, etc.).

These guarantees, as a general rule, are not included in the home insurance contracts. It is therefore important to compare the home insurance before subscribing to be certain to benefit from these coverages or to contact its insurer to add them to its contract by an endorsement.
Insurance for garden

The main risks to gardens are natural weathering (hail, violent wind, etc.), extreme climatic hazards (frost, drought, etc.), injuries (branches falling from a tree, for example) or acts of vandalism If an ill-intentioned person were to sack the plantations or other ornament of the garden.

Yet there are few who insure their garden. Indeed, home insurance covers the buildings housing the interior living rooms and sometimes the outbuildings of the property. Guarantees for the garden are optional for most contracts.

There are two types of guarantees for garden insurance:

  •     The “green space guarantee” covers only the vegetation (massifs, plants, trees). If the garden is composed solely of grass, the interest of this guarantee is limited.
  • The “reinforced garden warranty” covers the green spaces and the equipment that make up the garden (fencing, lighting, barbeque, etc.). The pool is covered by separate warranties.

Home insurance contracts with guarantees for the garden offer compensation in case of fire or natural disasters. It should be noted that for risks linked to extreme climatic conditions excluding natural disasters, they are not necessarily included in the compensation and enter into negotiation with the insurer before the contract is signed.

By insuring a garden insurance, a civil liability is included. Injury or unintentional damage to neighboring properties can occur especially if branches fall from trees, for example.

A flight guarantee is also optional but will be subject to certain security constraints (secure entrance portal, presence detector, video surveillance, closing height, etc.) according to the criteria of the insurers.

If your garden has many trees, rare plants, quality facilities and equipment and you have been asking for intense maintenance for years, it is worthwhile to subscribe to this type of option to benefit from the guarantees. If your insurer can not offer it, you can find by comparing home insurance another insurance company that will be able to meet your needs.

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Source: http://ift.tt/2ntkVPi
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