Insurance coverage in the natural disasters event or inclement weather

Insurance coverage in the natural disasters event or inclement weather

Our newspapers inform us more and more frequently about the phenomena of natural disasters or bad weather. The material and human balance sheets can be heavy, and reach many victims who the insurers must indemnify. What do insurance contracts cover when such a tragedy occurs, and how to be taken care of?

To cover the damage caused by a natural disaster or severe weather, two guarantees may be involved: the natural disaster insurance and the storm guarantee. Whether you are a tenant or an owner, you should be aware that any comprehensive home insurance policy includes these guarantees.

The “natural disaster”

It covers direct damage caused by the event recognized as a “natural disaster” by ministerial decree (fire, flood, avalanche, landslide, mudslides, earthquake …).

Wind damage does not fall within this scope and is covered by the “storm” guarantee, which can be invoked without the state of natural disaster being declared.

Some legal provisions are in place for all stages of this type of disaster.

The “storm” guarantee


It covers the direct damage of the wind (storm, hurricane and cyclone) but also damage caused by rain, snow or hail.

Flooding does not fall within the scope of this warranty. In this case, it will be necessary to turn to the natural catastrophe guarantee.

To enforce this warranty, proof must be provided that the wind was blowing at over 100 km / h by requesting a certificate from the nearest weather station.

Please note that some extensions or equipment are not covered by the storm guarantee, since only “good construction” structures (composed of 90% hard materials) will be taken care of in case of a disaster. Verandas and garden sheds are therefore excluded from the warranty, as are certain elements such as fences or trees.

Note: If the wind reaches 145 km / h on average for 10 minutes or 215 km / h in gusts, then the natural catastrophe guarantee comes into play.


Is my vehicle insured against natural disasters?

Unlike the multi-residential dwelling, all auto insurance contracts do not incorporate the natural catastrophe guarantee. Vehicles insured to third parties, for example, do not benefit.

How to get compensation?

In the event of a claim, you must return a claim to your insurer as soon as possible. You have for this 5 days, extended to 10 days if the state of natural disaster has been recognized.

Take a maximum of photos and videos of the damage: they will be a solid support to justify the extent of the damage to the insurance expert who will come to notice them. Also, prepare invoices for the purchase or repair of damaged equipment.

Is there a deductible?

A deductible of € 380 will always be borne by the insured.

Note: If the state of natural disaster has been observed several times in your municipality in the previous five years and it does not have a plan of prevention of the natural hazards (PPR), the franchise is modulated : It is doubled at the third decree recording the catastrophe, tripled at the fourth and quadrupled for the following decrees.

What compensation?

The reimbursement of the damage inherent to buildings is based on the reconstruction value. The assumption of the amounts of repairs by the insurer is based on a quote that will be validated by the insurer and can not exceed the value of the building declared at the time of the contract.

Note: Concerning the furniture, some contracts present refunds in value to nine while others use coefficients of dilapidation. These points should be checked on your contract.

What timeframe for compensation?

The final indemnity must be paid to the insured within 3 months of the loss.

Finally, regardless of your geographical location, consider checking out your home and auto insurance policies to alert you of any unpleasant surprises when claiming claims with your insurer.

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