Top 10 life insurance policies with the best returns in 2017

Top 10 life insurance policies with the best returns in 2017

While life insurance remains the preferred savings product of the French, some contracts are more profitable than others. Here are the top 10 life insurance companies that had the best return for the year 2016, with a summary of the 2015 return for each of them.
We often hear about the returns to life insurance, not always knowing who actually offers the best rate. Whether they are very popular or less well-known, some insurers manage to maintain attractive returns. How much hope? Who to turn to?

The 10 Most Profitable Life Insurance Contract

The return on life insurance is often compared to a yoyo. As a result, its rate is very variable. But there are some players in the sector who are more interesting than others, here are the 10 best life insurance:
1. Aviva VieMultisupport Afer (Afer Eurogrowth Fund)6,87%NC
2. Generali Vie
(Generali Patrimoine)
Espace Invest 4 (G Growth Fund 2014)4,15%5,74%
3. SuravenirSérénipierre (Primonial Groupe , Pierre Euro Security Fund)3,60%4,0%
4. La France MutualisteRetraite Mutualiste du Combattant (RMC)3,20%3,35%
5. SpiricaArborescence Opportunités (UAF Life Patrimoine, fonds Euro Allocation Long Terme)3,04%3,51%
6. CNP AssurancesGrain Amplifier 9 (Mutual Amplifier)3%3,20%
7. Allianz VieGaipare I (Gaipare)2,90%3,15%
8. Generali Vie
(Generali Patrimoine)
Multi-Management Retirement Savings (Asac-Generali Limited Fund)2,89%3,12%
9.Le Conservateur
Assurances Mutuelles
Helios Selection2,75%3,10%
10. AXA France VieCler (Agipi, euro growth fund)2,70%3,04%
We can see the trio Aviva Vie, Generali Vie (Generali Patrimoine) and Suravenir lead the dance. If you want to buy life insurance, but you do not know who to turn to, this ranking may help you make your choice. Otherwise, you can always compare them to remove your last doubts.
Life insurance can be a real alternative in view of the non-increase in Livret A returns, placement more and more often pointed fingers.

Source:  life insurance
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