Animal insurance Behavioralist Vet: What is it? What care?

Animal insurance Behavioralist Vet: What is it? What care?

Animal insurance:Biting, barking, fearful or aggressive attitude, unclean animal … these attitudes in your dog or cat may hide a behavioral disorder. However, these disorders will not disappear over time, it is often necessary to contact a veterinary behaviorist, whose consultation can be taken care of by the animal insurance you have subscribed.

When to consult a behavioral veterinarian?

Behavior disorders in dogs cause 50% of abandonment by their owners, exacerbated by barking, the damage caused in the house or their aggressiveness. If these disorders are unlikely to pass over time and heal on their own, a behavioral veterinarian may be able to resolve them. It may be useful to consult one in cases of:

Developmental disorder: hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, deprivation syndrome … these disorders often occur when the animal is very young. The earlier the treatment is taken, the quicker the recovery will be.

Communication disorder: the dog tries to dominate its master and is aggressive.

Aging disorder: depression, aggressiveness, neurological abnormalities …

These disorders will most often manifest themselves in a fearful, aggressive attitude, noise nuisance, heavy damage in the home or lack of hygiene. Sometimes the cause may be a disease affecting the nervous system or other organs.

What can the veterinarian do?

The behaviorist veterinarian, to be differentiated from the behaviorist or the canine educator who has no medical training, followed a university course for seven years before graduating. In particular, it may assess the animal’s dangerousness, diagnose behavioral problems, propose appropriate treatment and follow-up.

Treatment can be done in several ways. The behavioral veterinarian can prescribe psychotropic drugs that will act on the nervous system, nutraceuticals, which are dietary supplements, pheromones still a behavioral therapy. The latter, adapted to each animal, consists of exercises, gestures, training sessions and may last more or less long. In the case of puppies and kittens a single consultation may sometimes suffice.

It is compulsory for the masters of a category 1 or 2 dog, known as “dangerous dogs”, to subject the animal to a behavioral assessment in order to obtain the permit of detention that they need.

What is covered by animal insurance?

The cost of a consultation with a behaviorist can vary from 90 to 150 euros, not including any medical examinations or hospitalization: the bill can quickly increase. If you have an animal insurance policy, you may have planned to take care of the consultations with a behavioral veterinarian. The reimbursement is, however, often partial, capped at a few hundred euros per year and the assessment required for “dangerous dogs” is generally not refundable.

Other conditions are also relevant: you have to go to a certified veterinarian and not to a canine educator with a specialization in behavioral disorders, and the disorder must have appeared after the insurance has been purchased. Sometimes the disorder must also be linked to a physical pathology. The formulas vary from one insurer to another, so it is necessary to compare them carefully.

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The post Animal insurance Behavioralist Vet: What is it? What care? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.

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