Kitten and puppy insurance: what specific guarantees?

Kitten and puppy insurance: what specific guarantees?

Kittens and puppies are more fragile than their elders, and especially more awkward! It is because they have different needs in terms of care that insurers offer formulas that are specific to them: what guarantees to choose? For what price?

Vaccine, sterilization, deworming, veterinary care in case of injury or fractures, infections … your puppy and your kitten are fragile and require special care that, as for a child, it is important to give them so that they grow in healthy. Analyzes, medicines and visits to the veterinarian (about 50 €) can quickly increase the bill, which is why subscribing to a mutual animal health insurance is a solution to consider.

The risks incurred by the puppy and the kitten

Even before it is vaccinated, a kitten may be subject to serious diseases such as coryza, leucosis or typhus in the cat, which endanger life and it is important to take care of the As soon as possible.

It is the same for the puppy who, moreover, tends to chew everything that falls to him under the tooth, even if swallowed round, at the risk of obstructing his stomach or his intestines, requiring then a Emergency response.

Finally, let us not forget that our dear pets keep finding new ways to do things wrong (this article shows the most surprising adventures recorded by animal insurance) Fracture or injury are quickly arrived!

How insurance works

A health insurance puppy or kitten works exactly like a traditional mutual: depending on the formula you have chosen and for a monthly fee, a part (between 50 and 100%) of the health costs of your pet will be taken care of.

The kittens and puppies can be insured at the age of two or three months depending on the insurance company (younger, the risk is considered too important), and this between 9 months and 1 year. Then, the formula turns into classic animal insurance.

The different guarantees

Most offers include similar warranties. What changes is mainly the level of guarantee and therefore the amount of repayments. There is usually support for:

Veterinary Consultations
Prescribed Drugs
Hospitalization costs following surgery
Pre and post-operative examinations
Surgical interventions

There is also a so-called “preventive package” in the amount of 30, 50, 100 or even 150 € depending on the insurer, given in the form of an annual check. It is this package that allows to take care of the vaccines or even the sterilization of the kitten or the puppy.

Finally, it is also possible to take out assistance guarantees such as the payment of the pension costs in case of hospitalization of the owner of the animal, or the assumption of expenses of advertisement if the puppy is lost .

Attention to the waiting periods and the ceilings of reimbursement: most formulas include a waiting period of approximately 45 days in case of illness. In other words, if your puppy is sick two days after taking out the insurance contract, then you will not be entitled to any compensation. On the other hand, accidents often do not have a waiting period. The ceilings generally range from € 1,000 to € 2,200 per year.

The rates

The rates can be very variable according to the level of guarantees subscribed: from 10 € to 80 € per month. Prices can also vary according to the age of the animal (the older it is, the higher the premiums) but also the breed. Some are, for example, more prone than others to certain diseases, a risk that insurers obviously take into account in the cost of mutuals. To compare the offers and guarantees offered you can go through an online comparator of insurance specializing in mutual pet.

Subscribing a mutual health insurance for your kitten or puppy helps to prevent insurers from subsequently refusing to insure your pet. A pet, for example, having contracted the same disease several times, may be refused because the risk of recidivism is considered too great.

The post Kitten and puppy insurance: what specific guarantees? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.



The post Kitten and puppy insurance: what specific guarantees? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.

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