Auto insurance : minimum transparency required for tinted windows

Auto insurance : minimum transparency required for tinted windows

Auto insurance:From 1 January 2017, front tinted windows and car windshields are prohibited if there is insufficient transparency. For reasons of safety, the authorities can verbalize motorists whose windows are tinted above 30%. Update on this new automotive legislation.

Auto insurance : A first and foremost security measure

The government wants to put an end to a "real safety hazard" in the face of this practice of motorists. This allows the security forces to be able to identify the driver more easily in the passenger compartment, while ensuring that the driver does not commit offenses such as forgetting to wear a seatbelt or using the telephone portable.
Until December 31, 2016, it was possible to have tinted windows (front / rear) knowing that this was not prohibited by the Highway Traffic Act. The only necessary condition was that the driver had sufficient vision inside the vehicle, both at the front and at the rear of his vehicle. This usually meant that the authorities had more control over these vehicles with tinted windows.

Source: auto insurance
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