Auto insurance:CCTV cameras monitors your good behavior

Auto insurance:CCTV cameras monitors your good behavior

Phone at the wheel, exceeding the maximum speed permitted, forgetting the seat belt … All these infractions can be detected right away by CCTV cameras … and verbalized.
Watch your mailboxes, fines could be sent to you without you expecting them. The device is in place, although the cameras are not yet homologated …

What types of offenses?

of 31 December 2016, you can be verbalized for “offenses carried out by
or from the self-checking devices that have been approved”.
More concretely, these are the following offenses:

Use of the telephone while driving;
Parking on emergency stop strips;
Forgetting, wearing the belt or helmet for both wheels;
Failure to respect safety distances;
Crossing of continuous lines;
Exceeding maximum permitted speed;
Use of lanes reserved for certain categories of vehicle (taxi, bus …).
decree, which was entered in the Official Gazette on 31 December 2016,
“amends the Highway Traffic Act to extend the scope of offenses that can
be detected through automated penalty control and video protection”.

Source: auto insurance


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