Auto Insurance: What insurance for an electric car?

Auto Insurance: What insurance for an electric car?

Electric cars are slowly becoming more numerous in France, convincing by their driving comfort and their ecological advantages. The question of insurance is compulsory, with a problem: have insurers adapted their offers? Are the warranties the same as conventional cars?

Whether a car is gasoline, diesel or electric, it is obviously mandatory to insure it at least one-third to cover any damage you may cause to others. A “clean” vehicle however has some different requirements compared to conventional cars, requirements and needs that insurance increasingly take into account.

The specific guarantees for electric car insurance

A few specific guarantees emerged very quickly among the insurance contracts as insurers and garage owners assessed the new needs of electric cars. These needs are essentially centered around the battery:

Power failure assistance 0 km
Battery change
Towing the vehicle to a suitable charging station
Battery charge management: If you recharge your car with a third party, you will be covered for electrical problems in the home’s electrical system.

When signing your insurance contract, make sure that your insurer has a network of authorized repairers capable of caring for an electric car because all garage owners are still far from being able to do so.

Battery rental

Another not insignificant difference, it often happens that the battery of your electric car is actually rented. In the event of an accident the garage, or the builder, who owns it, also becomes a stakeholder.

Depending on your rental agreement, it may be that the owner is entitled to indemnify the parties and then be reimbursed by the insurance: in case of an accident, do not forget to indicate his name on the statement . Also check the insurers of the insurance included in the rental battery, it could be that you have to supplement the assumption with your auto insurance.

Multirisk house

At first glance your home insurance has nothing to do with your auto insurance, and yet: your electric car must be plugged in to be recharged. You will be able to have a special outlet installed, like the ones you install for a dishwasher, or plug your car into an earthed outlet, Overvoltage protection.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises we advise you to notify your home multirisk of the purchase of your electric car, and especially because you recharge one in your garage. It may be useful to have your contract amended to ensure that, in the event that your car triggers a fire, the damage would be covered.

The “classic” guarantees

An electric car must at least be insured to the third party. In this case, there are the classic guarantees that already exist for other cars. An all-risk insurance allows for example to cover itself whatever the disaster: accident or not, fire, theft, breakage of ice, assistance 0km … a way to ride safely without thinking the worst, which does not prevent To be cautious.

The economic benefits of buying an electric car

Many still think that an electric car is expensive to buy a classic car, but this is a common denial by the latest generation of cars, which are becoming less and less expensive.

Insurers’ gift and “reward” check

Most insurers give gifts to their subscribers seeking to insure an electric car in order to reward their good ecological action: bank check, reduction of premiums and insurance premiums, bonuses and vouchers are often offered according to the Insurance company.

Insurance costs reduced by 5 to 50%

It appeared through statistics that electric cars were less involved in accidents than conventional vehicles. Their lower autonomy (about 150 km for three hours of recharging) encourages drivers to drive less and less quickly. The use is also more urban, so much so that it may even be more advantageous to buy insurance per kilometer.

The insurers have therefore decided to pass on this lower risk of accident by a lower premium. If you own an electric car or plan to buy one, do not hesitate to negotiate a preferential rate with your insurer.

Ecological bonus and conversion premium

Let’s not forget that buying an electric car gives you access to the green bonus and the conversion premium.

Ecological bonus: Renting or buying an electric car emitting less than 20g / km of CO2 will give you a bonus of 6,300 euros, and 1,000 euros if the car emits 21 to 60g / km CO2.

Conversion premium: by sending a diesel car that has been owned for more than a year and put into circulation before January 1, 2006, the ecological bonus is increased and becomes the conversion premium. For the purchase of a car emitting less than 20g / km of CO2 you will receive a bonus of 10,000 euros, and of 3,500 euros for the purchase of a car emitting between 21 and 60g / km of CO2.

Fuel Economy

Recharging the battery of your electric car will cost you only a few euros of electricity, which is 5 to 7 times less than a full tank of gas.

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