Auto insurance:The procedure for appraisal after a motor vehicle accident

Auto insurance:The procedure for appraisal after a motor vehicle accident

Auto insurance : After an automobile accident, and once your insurer warned, comes the time of repairing the vehicle, when possible, and compensation. Several players will intervene that it is your insurer, the garage or the repairer as well as one or more experts. We explain in this article the procedure.

Motor vehicle accident:Warn your insurer

Initially as a result of a motor vehicle accident you should notify your insurer. The claim must be made within five days as stipulated in Article L 113-2 of the Insurance Code.

You will then have to bring your car to a professional for repairs. The key principle in this matter is the free choice of the repairer by the insured. Indeed after a disaster your insurer will be able to offer you a list of authorized professionals to which it can encourage you to turn. The insurer will be able to justify this choice because in these establishments you will not have to pay the expenses of repairs (except a possible deductible). Nevertheless you are free to turn to another professional to carry out the necessary repairs after a disaster. In this case, you will have to advance the costs before being reimbursed by your insurer.

In any case it is you who will have the last word with regard to the choice of the professional.

The Expertise

Depending on the severity of the loss, the insurer may decide to dispatch an expert to determine the extent of the damage. It is important to keep in mind that the latter is independent of the insurance company that is responsible for it.

Its mission is precisely to quantify the damage suffered by the vehicle. In order to do so, he will first verify that the vehicle corresponds to the one declared to the insurer. He will then analyze the damage precisely in parallel with the statement you made to your insurer. It will list all the damage, encrypt it and at the same time ensure that it is not an insurance fraud and will verify that all the damage is related to the accident.

For your part you will be able to attend this expertise. You will then be able to hand over the documents requested by the expert (report, gray card …)


As a result of this expertise, the expert will, in agreement with the mechanic, determine the action to be taken on the situation. Several solutions then: can repairs be envisaged? If so, to what extent, at what price and how long should it take? On the other hand, if the price of repairs is higher than the market value of the vehicle, the insurer will not pay for the repair and will compensate the victim directly.

In the second case, it is the expert who will fix the amount of this compensation according to several elements such as the condition of the vehicle before the accident, its price to argus … As such think about communicating to him All the documents attesting to the good maintenance of your vehicle so that this takes into account in the calculation of the indemnity.

These conclusions will be communicated to you and to the insurer who will indemnify you on this basis, less any deductible that will be directly claimed by the repairer.

In case of disagreement?

If the expert’s conclusions do not seem right to you, you will be able to make a counter-evaluation. This will involve seizing an independent expert at your own expense. The latter will in turn study the vehicle and make its own conclusions.

Either the latter will be identical to that of the first expert in which case the insurer will then proceed to your compensation, or its conclusions will be different than those made by the first expert. In that case the two experts will try to reach an agreement on the fairest compensation to which you are entitled.

If they are unable to reach agreement, then a third expert will be required. The costs will be shared between the insurer and yourself. The expert will decide the dispute. If, however, the dispute persists, you will only have to go to the competent court.

Note that it is also possible to denounce the behavior of an expert with the mediation services of the national chamber of experts.

In summary

The expert will provide a fair compensation for your claim. Be aware that it is an independent professional with whom you and your repairer or garage can communicate.

In case of disagreement with its findings there are some remedies available.

Moreover it is important to know that in case of payment of an indemnity by your free insurer to you to dispose of it as you want.

The post Auto insurance:The procedure for appraisal after a motor vehicle accident appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.



The post Auto insurance:The procedure for appraisal after a motor vehicle accident appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.



The post Auto insurance:The procedure for appraisal after a motor vehicle accident appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.

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