Health insurance: what you expect in 2017?

Health insurance: what you expect in 2017?

Health insurance:Here is a list of the main changes that have (or will) mark the health landscape in France. Refunds of drugs, smoking, vaccines … The full point.

Medications and their twins

Your doctor will be able to replace your biological medicine with an identical medication, after having informed you. Currently, monoclonal antibodies are used to treat chronic inflammatory or psoriatic diseases, insulin, and growth factors (somatropin growth hormone, filgrastim, follitropin alpha, erythropoietins).


In 2017, the generalization of the third party paying will be born. A reform that is far from unanimous, especially among general practitioners. There are also novelties in the psychologist. Children or young adults between the ages of 6 and 21, who suffer from psychiatric problems diagnosed by a psychiatrist or child psychiatrist, may be followed only by a psychologist. Medicare will take care of these consultations.

Measures against smoking

January 1, 2017 marks the arrival of neutral packets. No more packets with the image of the cigarette manufacturers. Another fact is that rolling tobacco will increase by 15%. The package will therefore increase from € 7.50 to € 8.60.
These measures are obviously aimed at reducing tobacco consumption in France.

Change for employees

The protection of employees with regard to exposure to electromagnetic waves has been improved following a decree issued by a European directive. The aim of this text is, first, to protect pregnant women from these exposures. The second change concerns employees who have to take care of a loved one who has suffered a loss of autonomy. The conditions for obtaining “caregiving leave” have been eased.

Simplified flu vaccine

For the next 3 years, pharmacists will be tested. They can vaccinate you against seasonal flu. Only adults will have the opportunity to get vaccinated in their pharmacy, with a prescription from their treating physician. This operation will only work with trained volunteer pharmacists.

GPs now have the ability to store flu vaccines in their practice. They can inject them to people with long-term illness, to pregnant women and to individuals over 65 years of age.

Organ donation

This is mainly the right of refusal which has been extensively amended, with regard to the means available to assert it.

The changes that took place in 2016

2016 was marked by two major changes: the increase in the cost of patient care and changes in the reimbursement of abortion.

The post Health insurance: what you expect in 2017? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.



The post Health insurance: what you expect in 2017? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.



The post Health insurance: what you expect in 2017? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.



The post Health insurance: what you expect in 2017? appeared first on insurance,auto insurance,health insurance,Motorcycle insurance,Home Insurance,Animal insurance.

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