Auto / motorcycle : do not miss the turn of 2017!

Auto / motorcycle : do not miss the turn of 2017!

At the beginning of the year, it is interesting to dwell on the important changes that have, or will, take place in auto and motorcycle legislation.
Big Brother is there
Smile, you're going to be filmed! You will be able to make you verbalize by means of video surveillance cameras, for infractions such as the use of the telephone at the wheel, the non-respect of the distances of safety, the forgetting of the wearing of the belt ....

The double radar cap
Even if this law is not yet applicable, it will be in the months to come. Specifically, the file of the gray cards and that of the insured will be crossed to allow the radars (fixed and embarked) to detect the drivers without insurance.

When False Permit Means With Crime
Driving a vehicle without a license will be heavily penalized. The motorist without a license will risk a fine of 75 000 € and 5 years imprisonment.
For more information: Law on the Modernization of Justice in the 21st Century
Employers will have to sit down
Since 1 January, your employer will be obliged to communicate the offenses committed with a company car. Any offense committed with these cars may be punished with a fine or a loss of points.
If you exceed the maximum speed limit by more than 50 km / h, you risk:
-Lose 6 points on your license;
To pay a fine of € 1,500;
A driver's license suspension of up to 3 years;
Confiscation of your vehicle.
To make a registration card, you will soon have to be required to hold the driver's license. Without this, you will no longer be able to register a vehicle without a driver's license.

Source: auto insurance
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