Expat insurance, a booming market

Expat insurance, a booming market

With globalization, the number of expatriates is constantly increasing. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advances a figure of 2 to 2.5 million compatriots outside our borders. How do they get well insured?
Not every country in the world has a health system as developed as ours. Expatriates must therefore take precautions to overcome certain disappointments once they arrive. But is it always easy to secure ourselves beyond our borders?

A growing market
With growth ranging from 10 to 15% per annum, the expatriation market is increasingly appealing to insurers. Already bearer of € 10bn, this sum therefore increases visibly. But what interests, as a priority, expatriates is obviously health coverage. This is borne out by the 81% who own one. Moreover, 73% do not forget the quality of French social protection, since they do not want to leave it. "French nationals abroad" are also covered at 44% for retirement, 42% for provident and 30% for repatriation assistance. 

Insurers position themselves
For several years, insurers have been focusing increasingly on the issue of expatriates. "Demand is growing naturally with globalization," says Guillaume Pleynet-Jésus, Deputy Director Group Insurance Group Gan Vie. But given the complexity of this market and the specific demands "it is no coincidence that most firms have been created by former expatriates," says Vincent de Meyer, CEO of April International Expat.
Moreover, Stéphane Aubert, a former expatriate in several countries and creator of ExpatCourtage, speaks about his experience. "Today, everyone is getting started, but ten years ago, it was innovative." When asked how he approaches his clients, he replies: "We have a proactive approach to conquering customers, at specialized trade shows, but also on the Internet because the population is ultra-connected." It is easily understandable that for expatriates, finding insurance in an agency is not the simplest of ways, many like to compare their insurance.
There are therefore several French insurers who place their pawns on the chessboard. In the lead, we find the MSH International broker of the Siaci Saint Honoré group with its 300,000 covered people. But other insurers such as Groupama Gan Vie, MGEN or Humanis are increasingly interested in this market. 

Expats, who are they?
In France, every year, 100,000 people fly outside our borders. At the top of destinations are Europe (49.3%), Africa (14.9%) and North America (13.7%). Half of these people are assets of 26 to 60 years (80% of employees). But the real increase affects the French who go to do their business elsewhere, or the more than 60 years, wanting to retire in the sun, which represent 15.2%. The 18-25 year olds who go abroad to study are also increasing.
In any case one thing is certain, the French feel good where they are. As proof, 70% do not plan to return to the hexagon within 5 years. Globally, the number of expatriates is around 300 million.
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