Fertility between pharmacists and health insurance

Fertility between pharmacists and health insurance

Negotiations have just opened between the pharmacists and the Health Insurance. The objective is to find a solution to the remuneration problems faced by pharmacists.

Savings on drugs pose many problems for pharmacies that see their incomes fall. The two main trade unions of pharmacists, the FSPF and the USPO, then go to the niche. 

A pharmacy closes every other day


The remuneration of pharmacists has been revised downwards because of the drastic savings provided by the Health Insurance, notably on medicines. What consequences? Philippe Besset, vice-president of the FSPF (France Federation Pharmaceutical Syndicates ), points to the fact that "in 2016, 200 pharmacies closed, a pharmacy every other day". Gilles Bonnefond, president of the USPO (Officine Pharmaceuticals Syndicates Union ) mentioned the fall in remuneration: "We lost 3.5% of our remuneration in two years". 

Which solution ? 
In this year 2017, the margin of pharmacies will reach 123 million euros or stabilize this margin or even a decrease of 2%. To cushion these declines, measures had been taken in the past as a dispensing fee of one euro for boxes of reimbursable drugs. But these improvements are considered insufficient by Philippe Besset "On average, the effort we are asking for over five years is two euros per prescription" and also calls for "the creation of a nomenclature of pharmaceutical acts to trace the quality of the Dispensation of the medicinal product ".Another form of remuneration could be created: when a pharmacist notices a risk to the patient on the prescription or adds a medication to the patient, he or she may be remunerated. 

Health Care Professionals Grievance


The complaints of pharmacists are reminiscent of those of general practitioners opposed to the generalization of third-party pay. GPs do not favorably view this generalization which, in their opinion, would be too complex and would offer no guarantee of payment.The benefit to patients is not having to advance certain medical expenses. The expenses of the consultations are therefore directly covered by the Health Insurance and the complementary health. To date, third-party payers account for about 30% of consultations.
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