How to secure its food truck?

insurance:How to secure its food truck?

Since 2011 food truck crisscross the streets of French cities, their kitchen on the back. What is the situation today? Did the phenomenon run out of steam? But where does he come from? And if you intend to get started, what do you need to know?How do you insure?Ice trucks, fried shacks, food truck ... at first glance, the concept is identical, not enough to make it a dish. And if we tell you that if, precisely, there is a difference? That the food truck is not a chip shop? And that the first was born ... in 1872? (According to the New York Times.) 

 Quality cuisine

Forget the industrial kitchen and the frozen french fries of the usual street food, food truck are characterized by their gastronomic aspect, which differentiates them from the traditional truck-restaurant. Many of them bet on products from organic farming and dishes prepared under the eyes of customers. Even though the term "food truck" is beginning to be used to refer to any food truck, it was not initially the case, and purists are firm on the issue.The burgers have the coast but the food truck did not stop there: world cuisine (Japanese, Korean, Thai, African), pasta, pizzas ... you find absolutely everything and for all tastes.
Forget the industrial kitchen and the frozen french fries of the usual street food, food truck are characterized by their gastronomic aspect, which differentiates them from the traditional truck-restaurant. Many of them bet on products from organic farming and dishes prepared under the eyes of customers. Even though the term "food truck" is beginning to be used to refer to any food truck, it was not initially the case, and purists are firm on the issue.The burgers have the coast but the food truck did not stop there: world cuisine (Japanese, Korean, Thai, African), pasta, pizzas ... you find absolutely everything and for all tastes. 

1872: the first food truck is born


According to the New York Times, it was in 1872 that the first food truck came into being in America, except of course that the expression did not yet exist. It was then a carriage driven by horses, and pierced by a window, which answered the little name of "lunch wagon." Today, of course, the system has been modernized and companies are even proposing to completely fit your truck - or your van - for you, with all the necessary equipment (refrigerated display case, panini machine, plancha, pasta cooker or Still oven and refrigerator.)There are even sites that propose to indicate where a large part of the food truck is in France so as to be able to follow their wanderings and know where to find them.In France, the very first food truck was called "Le Truck which smoked" and had moved to Paris. Its designer, the American Kristin Frederick, now has four trucks and even a physical restaurant.Last year there were 350 food trucks in France, a figure that had to rise ... and then dropped, as a good number of them had to file for bankruptcy.

3/4 of food truck went bankruptAccording to L', three quarters of food trucks have gone bankrupt or are currently in bankruptcy since their launch. The fault of an important initial investment (between 20 000 and 80 000 for the purchase of the truck, 20 000 € for development ...), parking authorizations difficult to obtain and not necessarily well placed, especially in Paris, Contractors who do not know anything about restoration and important ancillary expenses (gas, parking, renting of an annex kitchen and a garage, insurance, etc.) for complex logistics (cold chain, etc.)Once these costs are taken into account, the profit is not so great: "The food truck is a real job and a difficult business, but it is a very good way to test its concept without much investment, and Touching many people, "explains Kristin Frederick. That's why the Truck that Smokes as well as other food truck like Cantine California and The Refectory have opened a restaurant. It takes a very thoughtful business plan before launching. 

Insurance food truck


As we said insurance is an important burden in the budget of a food truck, and for good reason, it is obviously essential. A truck insurance is necessary but also a professional civil liability.The truck insurance covers the vehicle with the usual guarantees (fire, theft, breakage of ice ...), but some special offers also cover professional equipment, theft of cash, cold stop, loss Equipment or transported equipment.Professional liability will cover accidents and property damage that you, your employees or your products may cause to others (food poisoning, for example). 
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