Motorcycle insurance contract: the 8 categories to be examined

Motorcycle insurance contract: the 8 categories to be examined

Third-party motorcycle insurance is mandatory for all bikers. Motorcycle insurance, as with any insurance, is a way of anticipating the hazards and unforeseen circumstances of life. To avoid any unpleasant surprise, and to be well insured at the best price, here are the 8 important categories of a contract of insurance for 2 wheels.

Motorcycle insurance contract: Administrative elements

1) The due date of your contract. This is the anniversary date of your contract, it appears in the special conditions. Please note that the motorcycle insurance policy is tacitly renewable. In other words, after the first year, it is automatically renewed. It is up to you to terminate it if you wish, by sending a letter of cancellation, two months before the deadline. For your freedom, and everyone knows that bikers are thirsty for freedom, have that date in mind to be able to change motorcycle insurer whenever you feel like it.
(2) The surname and first name of the insured person (s) for that vehicle and the insured person, if different from the insured person, or a second driver, if this is the case. There should be no mistake about the concepts of underwriter, insured, driver or second driver at the risk of seeing you impose in case of accident a refusal of insurance, partial compensation or a greater deductible.

Motorcycle insurance contract: pricing elements

(3) The details of the insured: his age, his sex, the date of obtaining the permit and the bonus / malus coefficient. This data will allow the insurance agent or broker to rate your risk. As such, the information must be perfectly accurate, on the one hand so that you can pay the fair price, but also because in case of an accident, a false declaration could prevent any possible assumption.
4) Vehicle characteristics: brand, age and power. In the same way, your insurance premium depends on these items, and you must give accurate information.

Source: motorcycle insurance
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