The passenger of a motorcycle also obliged to wear gloves

Since the issuance of Decree No. 2016-1232, every driver of a motorized two-wheeled vehicle, whether the driver or passenger, is required to wear gloves. What is the risk of a motorcyclist failing to comply with this legal obligation in force since November 20, 2016?
From now on, every driver and passenger of a motorized two-wheeler is obliged to wear gloves, whether driver or passenger.
Section R431-1-2 of the Highway Traffic Act has been rewritten as follows: "Every driver or passenger of a motorcycle, motor tricycle, motor quadricycle or moped shall Wear gloves complying with the regulations for personal protective equipment ".
An obligation which concerns all the displacements of which less than 50 cm3. Young motorcycle drivers such as scooter, college, high school and other simple BSR holders are required to wear gloves under penalty of fines of third class in the amount of 45 euros. This sum is increased to 68 euros if the fine is not paid within 15 days. In addition, this violation of the Highway Traffic Act is accompanied "with full right to the reduction of one point of the driver's license". Of course, this loss of points concerns only the holders of a motorcycle license (A, A1, A2).
So after the helmet compulsory since 1973, the gloves become the second personal protective equipment compulsory for any biker. It will therefore be necessary to be equipped with gloves homologated for the use of a two-wheeled vehicle on pain of being verbalized for lack of equipment.
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