Animal mutual : what reimbursement for alternative medicines?

Animal mutual : what reimbursement for alternative medicines?

Osteopathy, homeopathy, animals can also be entitled to soft medicine to get better. There are more and more veterinary specialists and some animal health mutuals even propose to cover some of these expenses.

Fresh medicine adapted to animals

Soft medicine helps relieve pain and cure benign pathologies of animals as well as humans. It supplements traditional care, consultation with the veterinarian and surgery in extreme cases. Unlike traditional western medicine which treats only the symptom, it tackles the cause of the evil. Dogs, cats, horses and other livestock or domestic animals can benefit fully.


homeopathy is becoming more and more widespread: it can be used in the
treatment of a large number of pathologies such as viral and chronic
diseases (eczema, otitis, osteoarthritis, etc.) but also in the case of
behavioral problems, problems
Of the digestive or urinary system. Homeopathy is often used to supplement allopathy.

is possible to practice self-medication but it is nevertheless
advisable to consult a specialized homeopathic veterinarian who will be
in charge of prescribing the treatment (which can take the form of
tablets, powders, ointments, eye-drops …)


animal osteopath uses techniques of manipulation of the body of the
animal thanks to a great knowledge of their physiology in order to cure
various pathologies.
and more schools are opening their doors and the number of animal
osteopaths continues to increase even though many are specialized in
equine osteopathy.


an operation, immobilization or because of severe pain, an animal can
have, like the man, need of rehabilitation in order to regain control of
his body.
Rehabilitation can be done through passive or active exercises during physiotherapy sessions.

Source: animal insurance


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